The Rise of The King of The North
TOUR LOCATION: The State Hermitage Museum – St. Petersburg, Russia
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Bible prophecy recorded at Daniel chapter 11 about “the king of the north and the king of the south” gives us a window through which we can see major events that will affect all of us very soon. For more than two thousand years, the “king of the north” has undergone many changes. Fulfilling prophetic words, the king of the north “will show no regard for the God of his fathers“. During our virtual tour, we will learn many interesting details about the history of religion in Russia, the Russian Revolution in 1917, and Soviet Communism. In what way did the king of the north reject “the God of his fathers”?
- The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (Russia) is one of the largest cultural and historical museums in the world. The collection of the State Hermitage includes over 3 million works of art and world culture artifacts. The home of the Hermitage State Museum is the Winter Palace on the Neva River with some 1,100 rooms. This is the exact location where some of the most important events in Russian history took place.
8:00 AM London / 9:00 AM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00 PM Sydney Australia
Meeting I.D.: 851 2759 7253
Passcode: 1914
Look! The Man
TYPE OF TOUR: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The tour discusses how a better understanding of the historical context will improve our understanding of the most important event ever to occur on Earth, as we attempt to recreate the events of Nisan 14, 33 C.E.
This tour will not be scheduled regularly.
Jesus was the most outstanding figure in all of human history.
How do historical records shed light on the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ life, ministry, and death?
A better understanding of the historical context will improve our understanding of the most significant event ever to occur on Earth.
8:00AM London / 9:00AM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00PM Sydney Australia
Meeting I.D.: 851 2759 7253
Passcode: 1914
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 8:00 PM London / 9:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
Eternity in our Hearts
Tour Type: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The dream of everlasting life is as old as mankind.
How the obsession with the Eternal is deeply embedded within history?
How entire civilizations and cultures have developed all sorts of belief systems, surrounding the prospect of life after death?
Why is the teaching of the immortality of the soul “one of the greatest misunderstandings of Christianity”?
Our tour is a journey through history, mathematics, art and the Bible.
- How the obsession with the Eternal is deeply embedded within history?
- How entire civilizations and cultures have developed all sorts of belief systems, surrounding the prospect of life after death?
- Why is the teaching of the immortality of the soul “one of the greatest misunderstandings of Christianity”?
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 8:00 PM London / 9:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
Finding Nineveh
Location: Ancient Mesopotamia
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The rediscovery of the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh is one of the greatest stories of 19th century archaeology. Our tour “Finding Nineveh” follows the incredible true story of three men who were responsible for some of the most important discoveries in the history of Mesopotamia. Each one made a significant contribution to our understanding of ancient Assyria.
In this tour the following questions will be answered:
What do those discoveries show about Biblical history?
What should those discoveries mean to us?
8:00AM London / 9:00AM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00PM Sydney Australia
Meeting I.D.: 851 2759 7253
Passcode: 1914
Purple Triangles
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The Bible prophecy (Daniel 11:30, 31) and historical evidence indicate that Nazi Germany was the king of the north.
What led to the rise of Adolf Hitler? How did Hitler “act effectively”? How did he „give attention to those leaving the holy covenant“? What “arms” did the king of the north utilize, and against whom? How did the king of the north „profane the sanctuary“ and „remove the constant feature“? What is the desolating “disgusting thing,” and when was it installed?
“We—Jehovah’s Witnesses and non-Witnesses—should not be allowed to forget the history of the prisoners with the purple triangle. This was a beam of light in a dark age.” — Dr. Detlef Garbe
From Paris to Munich, from Berlin to Auschwitz, we follow the incredible story of courage, neutrality, and the power of faith. Together with “1914 – the year that changed the world” and “The Rise of the King of the North”, the tour “Purple Triangles” is the final part of a historical trilogy that will help you to appreciate our rich spiritual heritage.
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 8:00 PM London / 9:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
French Revolution: A Foregleam of Things to Come
TOUR: French Revolution: A Foregleam of Things to Come
Duration: 1.5 Hours
One of the Bible’s most dramatic prophecies is about the mysterious symbolic woman described in the book of Revelation. Who is this influential woman? Why does a wild beast attack her?
The French Revolution was a momentous historical event. It was one of the most startling, exciting, and terrifying periods in European History.
- What were its causes?
- What can happen when political powers suddenly turn against organized religion?
- Is the French Revolution a foregleam of things to come?
8:00AM London / 9:00AM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00PM Sydney Australia
Meeting I.D.: 851 2759 7253
Passcode: 1914
- 10:00 AM London / 11:00 AM Vienna, Berlin / 7:00 PM Sydney AustraliaMeeting ID: 851 2759 7253Passcode: 1914
The Book of Books
Tour Type: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The printed book is so much a part of our modern civilization that we take it for granted, and often forget that there was a time only two thousand years ago when books like this were practically unknown.
What is the relationship between the development of the book and the spread of Christianity? Why were the early Christians in the forefront of the use of the codex? How did the early Christian copyists play a vital role in publishing the good news?
Our virtual tour “The Book of Books” covers about 1,500 years of the existence of the Bible, from the time of Jesus to the invention of the printing press. We explore the craft, innovation, and ingenuity of the handmade Bibles produced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
8:00AM London / 9:00AM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00PM Sydney Australia
Meeting I.D.: 851 2759 7253
Passcode: 1914
Certainly This Was God's Son
TYPE OF TOUR: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Jesus’ death was the most important event in history. Who were persons who had witnessed Jesus’ death? What history shows about the Roman practice to execute a man on the torture stake? How the archaeological evidences, historical sources, insights of scholars and details from the Scriptures help us to increase our appreciation of Jesus’ death?
Who were persons who had witnessed Jesus’ death?
What history shows about the Roman practice to execute a man on the torture stake?
How the archaeological evidences, historical sources, insights of scholars and details from the Scriptures help us to increase our appreciation of Jesus’ death?
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 9:00 PM London / 10:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 7:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 9:00 PM London / 10:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 6:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
Tour Type: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Few words excite as much imagination and emotion as the word “Golgotha”, the biblical location of Jesus’ death.
Modern archaeological investigation and ancient literary sources reveal important information about the architectural history of two possible sites of Golgotha
The tour is an intriguing study of history, text, tradition, architecture, archaeology and faith.
What Bible says about Golgotha?
What modern archaeological investigation and ancient literary sources reveal about the architectural history of two possible sites of Golgotha – the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Garden Tomb?
Why is that question relevant to us today?
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 9:00 PM London / 10:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 6:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 9:00 PM London / 10:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 6:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
1914 – The Year That Changed The World
LOCATION: Vienna (Austria) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Duration: 1.5 Hours
More than a hundred years have passed since those ill-fated shots on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, which provided the spark that ignited World War I. Many who endeavor to explain 1914 feel that the deep-lying reasons are really not easy to understand. Why was the war not restricted to those parties directly involved? Why did it escalate into a world war? What really was this strange power that got a grip on humankind in the autumn of 1914?
Very few people expected 1914 to be anything other than an ordinary year. But unlike the world at large, the Jehovah’s Witnesses expected 1914 to be a pivotal year long before it arrived. How did Bible prophecies help them to expect these developments?
Our virtual visit to Vienna (Austria) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) will help you to understand the history of the Balkans and the Habsburg Empire. Visit with us the two museums in Vienna and the authentic sites in Sarajevo.
- Why be interested in the year 1914?
- Why did World War I turn the world upside down? Was it really just a colossal accident? How did statesmen and their military advisers grossly miscalculate risks and cause the loss of millions of lives?
- How could two shots from a 19-year-old schoolboy set the whole world afire? How did it all happen? Why did that happen just then and just there?
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 9:00 PM London / 10:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 6:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
Feast At Jehovah’s Table
Tour Location: The Dinner Table
Duration: 1.7 Hours
Everyone loves food! Not only is it necessary for life, but it can connect us to people and places, mark important events, tell us about our history, as well as tell a story. Food is also all throughout the bible. There are so many foods we can find when reading God’s Word that help us learn and remember important lessons from Jehovah. We also have the privilege of enjoying food through our 5 senses, and each sense is essential for us when experiencing the many aspects food entails. Take your seat and enjoy as we learn about food in the bible, how we enjoy food today, and more importantly how spiritual food is vital for our life now and in the future.
- How was flour made in bible times?
- How important is it to see color in our food?
- What bible accounts include food?
- How will we enjoy food in the New World?
2:00 PM Los Angeles / 5:00 PM New York / 7:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 893 4069 1328
Passcode: freshbread
King James Bible – Kings, Queens, and Plots
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The history of the English Bible is closely associated with the history of the British Empire. The story behind the creation of the King James Bible is little known.
It is the story of one of the most influential, provocative, and ambitious projects of its day. It is the story spattered with blood and scorched with fire.
King James Bible was the first „people’s Bible“. The story behind the creation of that Bible translation reveals a fantastic interplay of politics, religion, and state.
The tour “King James Bible – Kings, Queens, and Plots” is the second part of the new virtual tour series “The Bible – A Story of Survival”.
1:00 PM Los Angeles / 4:00 PM New York / 9:00 PM London / 10:00 PM Berlin, Vienna / 6:00 AM Sydney (next day)
Meeting ID: 967 2003 1820
Passcode: 1914
Biblical Shiloh - Home of the Tabernacle
Tour Type: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
For hundreds of years before Jerusalem became Israel’s capital, Shiloh was the nation’s most important location. It was the resting place of the tabernacle and the religious center of Israel. Many events from the Bible books of Joshua, Judges and 1. Samuel took place in or around Shiloh.
Archaeology and biblical history together reveal the remarkable story of one of the Bible’s most important cities.
- What do we know about Shiloh?
- What does the Bible actualLy say about the Shiloh?
- What are the results of the archaeological excavations in Shiloh?
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
Istanbul - How Christianity became Christendom
TOUR LOCATION: Istanbul – Ancient Constantinople
Duration: 1.5 Hours
In 330 C.E. the Roman emperor Constantine moved the capital of his empire from Rome to Constantinople (modern Istanbul). Since then, Istanbul has been the capital of as many as three powerful and great empires – Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman.
An encounter with the rich history of Istanbul will show what a significant role it played in the spread of so-called Christianity and the creation of religious customs and beliefs that have been maintained to this day (Trinity, cross, icons).
Our tour “Istanbul – How Christianity became Christendom” will delve into how Roman emperors such as Constantine and Theodosius influenced the early history of Christianity.
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
Louvre - The History of Religion in 10 Objects
TOUR LOCATION: The Louvre Museum – Paris, France
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The Louvre (Paris) is not only a museum – it has been a witness to French and world history. The goal of our virtual tour is to retell the history of religion (from the very beginning until the time of Jesus) through 10 objects from the Louvre’s collections. A glance into the rearview mirror of history will enable us to look into religion’s future. Discover treasures of the Louvre in connection with the Bible!
- Mona Lisa – What lies behind the strange smile of the “Mona Lisa”?
- Venus of Milo – Why does the fertility goddesses’ worship appear to have been a very early form of false religion?
- Seated Scribe statue – Why the events related in Exodus (chapters 12 to 14) are not mentioned in Egyptian historical records?
- The Moabite Stone – What is the history of the Moabite Stone? How the stone supports the accuracy of the Bible’s accounts?
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
Psalms - Museum of Music
TOUR: Psalms – Museum of Music Herzegovina
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Music is a beautiful gift from God. One tenth of the Bible is made up of songs. The book of Psalms is the museum of music. No collection of songs has been more known and read. Let us invite you to the incredible world of the music of Psalms.
Singing and instrumental music has played a vital role in the worship of Jehovah God.
From beginning to end, the Bible abounds with references to vocal and instrumental music in association with true worship, and the book of Psalms is the outstanding example
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
The Secret of Mona Lisa
Tour Type: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Our tour “The secret of Mona Lisa” is the story about the most famous artwork in the world, about one of history’s most influential artists – Leonardo da Vinci, and about the Renaissance – one of the most fascinating periods in human history.
Retracing our story means setting off on a unique journey into the art, history, culture and religious setting of Florence in the mid-1400s.
Our tour “The secret of Mona Lisa” gives us great insights into the time in which it was created. It reminds us that art is not just about technique
Mona Lisa is the most famous work of art in human history. Still, it has a few secrets.
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
Septuagint - A Bible Translation That Changed The World
TOUR LOCATION: The bible Lands
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The Septuagint was the first translation of the Bible and one of the most important. It was the key that opened the treasures of the Hebrew Scriptures to Western civilization.
• When and under what circumstances was the Septuagint prepared?
• Why was there a need for such a translation?
• How useful has it proved to be over the centuries?
• What can the Septuagint teach us today? -
The tour “Septuagint – A Bible Translation That Changed The World” is the third part of the virtual tour series “The Bible – A Story of Survival”.
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
The Mighty Bear, A Two-Horned Ram
TOUR LOCATION:Iran, Ancient Persia
Duration: 1.5 Hours
In a divinely inspired dream, the prophet Daniel saw a series of four beasts rising out of the sea, each representing a successive world power. The second was “like a bear.” In a separate vision, Daniel saw “the ram making thrusts to the west and to the north and to the south”. The fearsome bear and the two-horned ram pictured Medo-Persia.
Visit with us astounding historic sites in Iran (ancient Persia) like Ecbatana, Pasargadae, Persepolis, and Shushan. We will learn about the famous Persian kings mentioned in the Bible (Cyrus the Great, Cambyses, Darius I, Xerxes, Artaxerxes Longimanus) and the most famous battles (battle of Marathon, battle of Thermopylae).
The Medo-Persian World Power had existed for just over two centuries. During such a relatively short period of time, the Medes and the Persians had much to do with the outworking of Jehovah God’s purposes and the fulfillment of his unfailing prophecies.
- Who were the Medes and Persians? How did the royal palaces reveal the splendor and magnificence of the Persian empire?
- How Jehovah moved various Persian kings to cooperate with the carrying out of his own sovereign will and protecting the true religion?
- How did Cyrus the Persian prove to be Jehovah’s “anointed one”?
- Who were the foretold four kings of Persia? How did the fourth king “rouse up everything against the kingdom of Greece”? (Daniel 11:2)
- Why was the battle of Marathon significant from a Bible standpoint?
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
Alexander – Mighty King
Tour Type: Historical
Duration: 1.5 Hours
In a surprisingly short time, Greece had become the fifth of the world powers of Bible history. The prophecy in the book of Daniel provided impressive details with regard to an unusually great “King of Greece.”
This ruler would be cut down at the zenith of his power, and his kingdom would then be divided into four but not among his descendants. More than 200 years after this prophecy was recorded, Alexander the Great proved to be that “Mighty King”.
Join us on this incredible journey through history! We will visit the authentic sites of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia (Vergina, Pella) and learn about Alexander the Great.
- Who was Alexander the Great, and what role did he play in making Greece a world power?
- How did he come to “rule with extensive dominion”? (Daniel 11:3)
- Who was pictured by the conspicuous horn? (Daniel 8:5)
- How was Alexander’s kingdom “divided toward the four winds of the heavens”? (Daniel 11:4).
New Available Dates Coming Soon!
The Grand Creator
Duration: 1.5 Hours
The Universe is Jehovah’s private museum. It contains an enormous collection of at least 100 billion galaxies and each galaxy may contain as many as 100 billion stars! Scientific research has provided many insights into the workings of the universe. Now, with the help of modern technology, we can “visit” the universe. Using animations, videos, images, and photos (including the Hubble Space Telescope), we will see why Jehovah bears such a lofty title as “Grand Creator” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
- How does the Bible show that the number of stars is immense from a human standpoint?
- What are galaxies, quasars, and supernovas?
Just how vast is the universe? - In what ways does the universe display marvelous design?
- How much do we really know about Jehovah’s works?
New Available Dates Coming Soon!